Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mehndi Designs

In India woman get Mehndi tatoos as a ritual.It's basically just a henna tatoo. I'm totally adding this to my list of things that I want to do before i die...
Totally weird that Micheal Jackson is gone. I'm sorry mr. Jackson, I am for real man.I'm not a huge mikey J. fan, but i've always loved his "Thriller" and "black or white" videos.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rob Bell is one of my very favorite people...enough said.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

"They" say that the contents of your bag/purse can describe who you are as a person. I came across these pictures on flickr and I had good time checking out all the mis. junk that some people carry around in there bags.Inhalers and tissue paper...really?

A blogger must begin somewhere...

Well,I just got home and I've been thinking about starting a blog because i'm all into thought and idea sharing. So buckle your seat belts :) can't wait untill i can figure this thing out.